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We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


As global temperatures warm, the productivity of ecosystems across the globe will change.  Consider productivity in the tropics and productivity at the poles.  How will productivity change in those areas (be specific)?  What do you think is one positive effect of those productivity changes?  What is one negative effect of those productivity changes?

As always, proofread your comment for spelling, punctuation, and grammar; make sure your comment addresses the question; and consider having a trusted person read over your comment to make sure your ideas are clearly expressed.


  1. Productivity changes in different areas at various times. There would be times when it turns out bad, and there will be times when it turns out good. One negative effect of productivity change I noticed is air masses. The reason being on why I said this is because in todays world, the weather changes everyday. There's times when the weather is extremely cold and it gets a little bit warmer which isn't a big deal. It is still cold. One positive productivity is water. Today water is good. It was always good and still is and will always be. Water is to help us to stay hydrated because our body is only 70% with water. And we should keep it that way.

  2. In the study of ecology, every community ecology have it own personal interaction with its environment, which possesses its own particular physiological ecology. Though the tropical productivity may be assumed most preferable in terms of condition compared to other geographical climates, we must understand that not all species prefer such tropical circumstances. Sure it may surge the availability of resources and conditions for greater agricultural and manufacture productivity, but its available territories for occupation carry its own life threatening dilemma. Every specie desires one thing and that is to thrive. like tropical thriving species many also thrive in such arctic climates in correspondence to the specific specie. Examples of this are penguins, seals, and other warm blooded creatures of its geographical location. As much as the life cycle apply to tropic areas in our globe the same goes for wintry areas as well. The cycle must continue for the continued balance of our globe.

  3. If the climate gets warmer than the tropics and all their inhabitants will thrive. This is really bad for the poles because the life there thrives on the cold climate, and what it brings to them. One good thing that could come from those changes are plant life would excel, which in turn will help the consumers, then decompose and help the plants and the cycle continues. The bad would be that many animals in the poles would die and won't be able to evolve, and adapt fast enough to survive.

  4. Productivity change the areas at times. sometimes it will turn bad like when its raining its humid out and some times it turns out good when it is sunny and summer one negative effect of productivity that i have noticed is air masses. and the reason is because of the constant weather change happening in our world today like when its warm it get cold

  5. Productivity of any ecosystem change various of times. For instance, lets say that global warming is happening and has worsen. The negative effect it would give on both poles on earth is that animals living there would die such as polar bears. The pole without polar bears would increase the amount of fish but then it would over populate which is somewhat bad because then fish would have to fight for their food. After fighting for their food, their food would decrease. But if this happens, fish are then going to fight for their food and would slowly decrease their population. If you take one animal of a food chain, it would destroy the cycle such as this would become. On the other hand, forests take advantage of global warming as they increase the amount of trees and plants which than will increase the amount of food for consumers. Global warming is not only a bad thing but also a good thing but it depends on which part of earth one is on.

  6. As the earth warms I belive the way ecosystems are positioned will be shifted. This is my personal theroy. As the earth warms areas that were previously not very productive like the poles will get warmer allowing new species to form. But this may also have an adverse affect on previously very productive ecosystems. Places like the rain forest may become to hot and dry to support certain lifeforms. Although many species may die off others will be created changing the world's enviorments.

  7. In the areas of the poles productivity will change because if earth warms the poles as we know are made up of glaciers. Those glaciers which are located in a cold environment will melt and all living things will be affected by this event. Those animals will have to travel and find new cold environment that they are already adapted to. A positive thing that comes out of this situation would be that plant life would be able to increase in population around the world for the needs of others who use it.

  8. I honestly believe that there would be no negative affect in the tropical areas besides it being a little warmer and humid than normal. Tropical areas are meant to have very warm and humid climates along with a lot of rain. If there were no rain that would be a huge problem because all the plant life would die including the trees because it is so dry.Trees are homes for many life forms and animals in tropical areas. As for the Poles,I believe that this would be very crucial because they need the cold climate for animals and there life forms that live there to flourish. If it gets warmer the ice will melt thus causing more polar bears and penguins to drown leading them to extinction which would cause an over population in fish. This would would mess up the whole food chain. I don't believe that productivity would be such a good idea for the Poles.

  9. If the climate becomes warmer in the poles it will not turn out good for the animals that live there. I say this because the warmer it gets in the poles it would mess up the food chain and as a result mess up way of life over there. Warmer climate could be the extinction of some animals which could cause all animals to go extinct. But I do not think there is anything positive about it getting warmer in the poles. On the other hand in the tropic it is great because warmer weather would only increase the amount of food that grows and plants which would increase the amount of food for consumers. So global climate change is only good for certain parts of the world.

  10. If the climate gets warmer there will be both a negative and positive outcome. For the poles, as the temperature gets warmer animals will have to adjust/adapt to the new environment because they are so used to cold climate. This will cause changes in the ways animals do things like what they choose to eat and how they behave. On the other hand, heat in the tropics can be a good thing for plant life and won't change the way the wildlife lives in a large way. But it is still positive.

  11. I believe that if the climate change in the pole it would be a disaster over there. I see that if it gets warm over there in the pole it would be a disaster for the animals. They were used to being in a cold climate but now that that has changed they will have to go somewhere else to adjust and adapt in their new home. If the animals don’t leave and stay there with that heat it will end their life because they were never used to warm weather. But in the tropics that's another story because in the tropics heat is a good thing. It is good for plant life and how animal’s live in their everyday life.

  12. I believe that if climate does changes so quickly it would effect the environment and ecosystems more aggressively then it would if it changes slowly in a period of over a millennium. The main reasons of why i say this is because that gives species time to prepare and to adapt to temperatures which would most-likely cause evolution in species to beat the heat. In the poles if temperatures changed unlike the tropics the animals would be forced to move and to adapt to less cold climates because icy lands would have trouble staying frozen because hotter temperatures and animals that live on snow and ice would be able to live there because its mostly water. Concluding that warmer temperatures could result in more productivity in tropics because warmer temperature gives more plant growth, which gives more opportunity to herbivores and more food for carnivores that eat the herbivores. But decrease productivity in the poles, forcing the creatures to quickly adapt to warmer temperatures and move or die with ice melting and their homes being destroyed

  13. If the global temperatures warm, it won't be pleasant for every ecosystem across the globe. The animals in the tropics would be happy with the warmer climate since they are already adapted to a warm climate. On the other hand, the animals in the poles would have a hard time adjusting to the warmer climate since they are so used to the cold climate. In the poles, productivity would change because with the new climate it would be hard to find food with the dramatic change. In the tropics, things won't change much since the animals are used to warm weather. One positive effect of this change is that the animals of the tropics won't have to worry about snow. A negative effect is that the animals of the poles would die since it'll be very hard to adapt.

  14. In my opinion i think its best not to tamper with the ecosystem but with all the harm we are doing to the environment it is inevitable we are bound to see changes. The first thing that comes to mind when productivity is mentioned is how much life can a ecosystem sustain. If the weather in the tropics were to be hotter that we can expect to see drastic changes. Something beneficial we might see is plants might strive and prosper since they are receiving more sunlight. A downfall might be since the sunlight has intensified some animals wont be able to withstand that much heat. As for the poles i predict there will also be drastic changes. Something positive might be since the climate is warmer they might be able to sustain new life forms. A negative will be since it is warmer we will probably see ice caps melting making it unstable to some animals. I just think we should leave the ecosystem's alone because as proven before change to the ecosystem's can be disastrous.

  15. Although I feel as if it is not exactly our place to alter nature in unusual ways there may be some forms of benefit as well as negative with these effects. The tropics, already being of warmer climate, should not face too much of a harm in their change and the life inhabiting it will likely be unperturbed. However, the polar areas are what I am weary of. Warmer temperatures will disrupt the natural habitat for many of it's inhabitants and will result in their discomfort and harm. With the melting of snow many animals may find it difficult to be camouflaged causing themselves to be easier prey. With their natural order being disrupted this may certainly effect the food chain and other factors in the ecosystem in a drastically detrimental way.

  16. As the global temperatures warm many ecosystems will change; Some good and some bad. Specifically for the poles and the tropics the changes could have some different affect. For the poles if the climate were to change and get warmer, More and more glaciers would start to melt which could take some of the Artic animals' homes. But in the sense of the tropics with more warmth it could cause more humidity which could make the tropics more productive. So some good will come and some bad. A bad for the tropics would be the growth in population of mammals and insects which could throw off the balance of the dynamic system., One good thing i could think of in case of the poles would be finding a great discovery in the melting glaciers.

  17. As the earth begins to experience global warming, the impact on different areas will vary according to it's environmental status. The impact of global warming in an area as cold as the poles plays a big role in it's overall productivity. In all these changes will bring positives and negatives but in my opinion i don't really see any positives coming out of climate change. The positives will be what we can do to help in any way the animal, plants, and other life forms adapt to these changes outside the possibility of evolution in species. For the poles negative responses would be a disruption to the food chain and a major loss to the polar bears habitat. As well as melting ice caps that will also cause further sea levels to rise. The impact of rising temperatures on tropical areas and forests is just as dramatic. The rain forests provide a home for many animals and plants with global warming it puts them in the endangered category even plants. Small changes in the tropics can have huge effects for the entire earth system.
