Welcome to our class!

We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act or the ESA is a law that was passed by congress in 1973 during the office of President Richard Nixon.

The ESA came about when ornithologist named George Bird Grinnell wrote some articles about different near-extinctions

A major reason for animals becoming extinct or endangered are Humans, also people Hunting animals for trade or research, and Land Development.

The ESA applies to land and water life. It is suppose to protect endangered Species, threatened Species, and critical habitats.

A species can be protected under the act only if it meets certain criteria.
There are as of now 1331 species protected my the ESA.

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