Welcome to our class!

We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The  Great Pacific Garbage Patch one of the greatest environmental catastrophes  ever, yet still not many are aware of of what it is. It is this highly concentrated  area of plastic material in the Pacific Ocean. The reason why it is mainly made up of plastic material, and not other kinds of litter is because plastic is a non biodegradable material. Meaning that it never degrades, and just turns into tinier pieces of plastic called micro plastic. This not only has a huge impact on the ocean water from all the chemicals being released from the plastic, but also to all the marine life that lives there. The reason being since this area is so highly polluted with plastic the creatures can mistaken the litter for a source of food causing most of them to mistakenly choke themselves. The patch is not getting any smaller, but it is increasing size by the day. This is far too vast to be cleaned by any nation, but what we can do to help is to recycle, or just simply reduce the amount of plastic we use in our everyday lives.

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