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We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Value of Biodiversity

"Save the Spotted Owl!"  "Protect the Polar Bears!"  "Brake for the American Burying Beetle!" 
Why do you feel that we need to preserve the vast panoply of species that inhabit the earth?  Why is it that biodiversity is important?  You can share your opinion, or if you don't know where to start in forming your opinion, do a little research first. 


  1. I believe that we must save the large number of species that inhabit the earth because they all help us one way or another. Most insects they may seem unimportant or annoying to us they serve a very important purpose living and continuing out with their function here on earth. For example people may find mushrooms pointless but they eat the dead leftovers of plants. The life on earth of that all species would not be inhabited here on earth if they didn’t serve a purpose. Biodiversity is so important because all the different species that inhabited on earth play an important role that benefits us humans. Humans depend on plants and animals for food sources and clean air. Plants take in all to CO2 and let out O2 which is what humans need to breathe in to stay alive. Getting rid of certain species in our biosphere may cause changes to the earth that can affect humans negatively.

  2. I feel that we need to preserve the vast amount of species on earth because they help us to continue life. These species can range from a small bacteria or small ant to a lion or any other large animal. While sometimes it seems pointless to have these things on earth they help us in ways we take for granted. Biodiversity is very important because it is what allows humans and animals to live together on earth. If one thing goes away then several other things will be impacted greatly. Overall biodiversity is important to living because it supplies us with health, food, fuel, and other important things we depend on to live comfortably.

  3. I feel like we need to preserve the vast panoply is species that inhabit the earth because each species plays a vital role in our ecosystem. Biodiversity is important because it boosts ecosystem productivity. No matter how small or how big, they all have an important role to play in our ecosystem. In example, mushrooms: to us mushrooms may not seem as if they play a crucial role or any role at in in our ecosystem but mushroom eat the dead plants in our ecosystem.

  4. I believe that if we have a vast monopoly of species it will benefit the biosphere that we live in. We as humans can benefit from lots of species no matter ehat shape and size it is. Biodiversity is the variety of life in a world. This is important because we as humans should know different varities of life in a world and see how we can benefit from it. Even the little thing in life play a major role in our biosphere. Most humans should get the time to know that.

  5. I believe that we need to preserve the huge amount of species on earth because they play a huge role on helping us live on earth. Humans can benefit a lot from species at any size. Biodiversity is important because the degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet and is also a measure of the health of ecosystems.

  6. Biodiversity is important for any environment and all living thing in our planet. It is important for animals, plants, and humans to share the planet because if one species is destroyed, several, even thousands will follow. Many species of animals depend on one another just think of the food web how species of bugs and animals are connected. If one species in a food web is distorted everything can collapse, an entire ecosystem can be distorted. We must stop the mistreatment to the environment around us, whenever we over hunt, or over fish we are not only hurting that specie we are affecting the ecosystem around it.

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  8. I believe we need to preserve the vast variety of species because if a species became extinct then it would effect not only the environment it is in but it also affects us aswell. That specie could have helped us come up with break throughs in medicine. One example of a specie that could have helped us advance in medicine was the female gastric-brooding frog (which is extinct, but scientist are trying to clone the frog). This female frog has the ability to turn off her stomach acids to prevent the digestion of her offsprings. This fact about the frog could have help people will stomach ulcers or so people can recover faster from stomach surgery. Biodiversity is important because in each environment each animal depend each other and plant life to survive. If one species was removed from the environment then it would cause the environment to collaspe. Which is aslo a reason why there are limitations of how many fish you can catch in certain states and how many you hunt and when you can hunt in most.

  9. I personally believe that it is important to protect and preserve the biodiversity firstly because of the role some of the smallest species play in this world. One big example are the organisms in the soil. Without those organisms, the soil will not be as nutrient rich, which will in turn affect the food supply of humans and other larger species alike. Some species, no matter how much we do not like them, play some role in our environment, a role which can no longer be played if they were to disappear (as nice as it would be to have no rats on the face of this planet). The second and final reason I believe that biodiversity should be protected is so that we and the generations after us can have the opportunity to see those species. It would indeed be a pity if kids of the future learned about polar bears in school the way we learn about dinosaurs today.

  10. We feel the need to preserve the vast species of the earth because it is in our nature to love creation and help one another but also because we depend on other species even though it is often said its the "survival of the fittest". Biodiversity is important because each species in the ecosystem plays a role and an important one for the survival of our environment and each other. For example , a healthy ecosystem can help itself withstand dangerous natural disasters. Biodiversity helps us live as humans because it provides water, food, and resources that are essential to our survival.

  11. I think that we need to save the vast panoply of species because as we spoke about with the article we don't know all of the species of things that are on this planet. Every thing in earths ecosystem has a part that it plays. A lot of people don't know what these organisms do to help the planet. We don't know that if these species were to become extinct complete ecosystems could be destroyed. When things become extinct or are removed they can cause a chain reaction like what we spoke about. Things can fall apart. Biodiversity is important because if everything in the world were the same it would be boring. We need diversity in our lives to keep it exciting and balanced.

  12. I believe that it is important to preserve all kinds of life on the earth and all kinds of ecosystems. It is important because it is impossible to tell or know all the life on this planet and what each organism does for there ecosystem. All though it may seem insignificant to us it can hurt the earths ecosystem on a small scale and as we all know everything in this world is connected and effects one another.

  13. We should preserve large numbers of biodiversity because they benefit us in one way or another. On earth, biodiversity is essential to the environment because they each have a different role to maintain a specific environment. Each species has a crucial role on earth and if one of these species were to disappear then there would be a major affect on their environment. Also there are several species that benefit us because they provide us some resources. Since we use up a lot of resources, we rely on a lot of different types of biodiversity to provide resources for us. Therefore, by preserving large numbers of biodiversity we can continue to benefit from these species while taking care of them.

  14. I think that we do need to save these species. My main reason for believing this is that every action has a reaction and loosing one group or groups of species can result in a large change of state. Things can fall apart at a rapid pace in either in a top down or a bottom up affect. A healthy ecosystem needs all these creatures to survive.

  15. I think we need to save our species. I think we need to save our species because without them we cannot live. Toss species supplies us with food and clothing. Biodiversity is very important because each species plays an important role in the environment. If preserve our species the environment would much better than it is now. This can be an example of the bottom-up effect. Because without other lower species us as humans don't survive.

  16. I believe that we need to preserve the vast panoply of species that inhabit the earth because without those certain species we wouldn't be able to survive. You have to think about it like it was a food chain. When we go camping we don't like bears because they'll eat your food, we don't like mosquitoes because they bite you and then you want to scratch. These species are important whether we realize it or not because they might save us from other species that may want to attack us or harm us. So biodiversity is always important because it keeps the ecosystem on the right path.

  17. Having a large variety of diversity on earth is very important. Every form of life, even the smallest is important. The smallest and the unnoticeable organisms can cause a vary big difference the the ecosystem. If most of the diversity were to be taken off the earth and all the organisms were to be alike, I believe to would be hard to live because of the vast amount of environments. These would not have many places to live and would not be able to move around to far places.

  18. I believe biodiversity is important because it provides for an ever growing population and development. In the world their are many different species that effect others, for example are us humans. We as humans effect other organism by interacting with them either by hunting or using them for agricultural purposes. We provide or maintain a balance for the animals around us. It is because of biodiversity that so many different species can survive or last in the world. The mass biodiversity provides a plentiful food source for many animals and allow things to grow or survive off of it. In all I believe biodiversity is very important for the world.

  19. Being biodiverse is important because it allow a certain specie to have more benefits. For example the humans should be more diverse in genes because it allow a human to survive and fight back toward those things that can harm that person. Also it allow a greater chance of passing good genes on to the next and allow that person to be mixed and able to have more strength than the last.

  20. Destroying species habitat lead to the widespread of species. Most species live could be put to danger by exposing them to predators. Therefore we need to preserve these species habitats since we as human depends on the ecosystem such as coaster estuaries and forests to purify our air.
    Biodiversity is beneficial to nature because most species benefit the environment; plants and animals serving as a source of food and medicine for species and also as source of natural beauty and recreation within the ecosystem. Preserving the vast panoply of species habitat on earth is the only way to keep life moving forward.

  21. I think that preservation of life no matter how significant or insignificant the species may be plays a vital role in sustaining the various ecosystems that exist around the world and maintaining our environment. Without the vast variety of species around the world I believe there would be a decline in the natural resources we have come to know, adore, and utilize. I also believe that without biodiversity there would be an overall drop in the survival rate of those areas that contain wildlife inhabitants. The reason why I believe this to be so is simply because every living organism depends on another living organism to survive and make ends meet. If you manage to drive out one "insignificant" species near or to the point of extinction you just might jeopardize the next generation of other species to come that may depend on it to survive.
