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We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Mount Ruiz Eruption 1985

On November 13 of 1985,the deadliest eruption Colombia ever had was to occur. At 3:06 p.m. Nevado Del Ruiz had mild eruptions creating lava flows. That was only the beginning of the catastrophe, the main explosions would just happen at 9:09 on the evening. 
The eruption itself was just considered a medium sized event, but with unlucky combinations it became a huge tragedy. Molten rock of the volcano produced pyroclastic flows and airfall tephra, which quickly mixed with meltwater from the top of the volcano, creating hot lahars. The hot lahars traveled both north-eastern and north-western, having mainly impact on cities like Chinchiná, where 200 houses were destroyed and 1000 people were killed and Armero that had most of the city and its population swept away, reaching the incredible number of 23,000 deaths and 4500 injures.
The damage cost was estimated in 1,000,000,000  dollars and this tragedy was classified as the fourth deadliest volcanic eruption in world's history.
Image result for mount ruiz eruption 1985

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