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We are an environmental science course at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ, taught by Mrs. T. We'll be blogging about environmental issues all term, so please stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Culture of Pollution

A lot of our everyday, "civilized" existence generates pollution; this includes things from running a car to using electricity to throwing away packaging from something that you buy.  Do you think that people, in general, are willing to make changes in their lifestyles to reduce pollution?  What could convince them to do so?  What changes would you be willing to make in your own lifestyle?


  1. I think some people would be willing to make changes to their lifestyles to reduce pollution after they realize and are educated on the horrible effects of global warming, like poor air quality, mass extinctions, and unpredictable shifts in weather patterns. After people realize that they and their children would be affected by global warming then they would probably change their lives to reduce pollution.
    Educational documentaries on global warming,like Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, personal experiences, and a proper education on the subject, might convince people to change their lives to reduce pollution. People who have been personally afflicted by global warming, either by obtaining a disease or by being hit by a storm induced by global warming, are much more likely to change their lives.
    I am willing to walk more often, inform people on global warming, and do a better job recycling and conserving energy to reduce global warming's effects.

  2. Although pollution is caused by many sources , we tend to linger on the human aspects of it and question what should be done. But, I think that some people are willing to make changes in their lifestyles to reduce pollution and save our world. If not taken seriously , things will turn out bad and can harm millions. Keeping this in mind, people will come to notice and find ways to prevent, such a hazard. Propaganda,education and even the people around them would convince people of this situation. However for me , I love the nature and outdoors so I always "try", to take up my part and contribute to the cause.

  3. I think people are willing to to change their lifestyles to reduce pollution. The biggest problem with most people is that they aren't willing to make big changes to their lives. Something that would convince them is if they saw the damage they cause. Some people, like me, don't care too much about what we do. I live in the moment and don't care about what i do now because i don't care to think what it might cause. I am willing to make sure i do the small things that count like not litter or even shorten my showers because i have seen the damage and i know to watch what I do.

  4. I believe that people overall are doing all that they can into reducing pollution for a much more safer and better environment. However, the issue with this is that people are rather careless with their resources and have little acknowledgment about the amount of harm they are doing wasting their resource and how irresponsible they are being with it. The wasting of such resources, such as over-using too much water or gas is a serious issue that more people need to look at more often. Careless actions comes with serious consequences and in this case, the consequence will be global and possibly fatal.Seeing the world itself and how much it may have suffered would be a great way into convincing people into actually making a change of how they use certain resources in their everyday life. People can start off with something as small as using less water, turning off the lights, or even planting a tree and still a tremendous difference will be made. I'm willing to make a couple of changes with my own life style by doing a couple of things such as turning of the lights when I'm not using them,recycling my bottles or cans, and also using less water to better preserve. It's not too late to make a difference and its certainly not too late for changes to be made, but its only a matter of time until our world begin to suffer if we don't get our act together and soon.

  5. Honestly, I believe people who are older and well informed about the risks of pollution will try to make changes in their lifestyle to reduce pollution caused by them. I say this because older people tend to start caring about their lifespan as they get older, so they will try and do anything that helps prolong their life as well as others. I don't believe that people in general are willing to make these changes because most of the worlds population lies in the youth. The youth and the young adults tend to think that something as small as air pollution would not effect them in any way. They will have the mentality that "It could never happen to me" and so they will not tend to do something about it. Also, another factor that comes into this is that many people just don't care and are ignorant about these type of things that effects the environment.
    I try to convince people everyday about changing the environment with small things such as throwing trash in the garbage. Something so small as recycling seems to be a hard task for many people to do. One time I've seen a person actually throw something on the ground when a garbage can was no less than 10ft away from him. It's quite sad if you ask me.
    In order to reduce pollution in my lifestyle, I would do small and simple things such as turning off the car whenever I'm in a staionary position for a long period of time, recycling bottles, and help out my neighborhood by doing community service in a nearby park.

  6. On television I see all these commercials on how people should stop smoking. They put up pictures of ads of how lungs would look if someone keeps smoking. Once people see this, they will think about it and stop smoking. Psychologists call this cognitive evaluation, a process that a person forms beliefs based on evidence from many sources. But the question I ask is, how come commercials of how pollution can be harmful the earth, especially in the time of Earth Day, are not shown as much? What I’m trying to say is that as more of the message is put out about how pollution is harmful to the environment, the more change will occur. It can be the start of something big because people can see that by going green, less pollution there will be. That change can be like recycling bottles or changing your light bulbs with CFL (compact fluorescent light). My family and I have places these CFL around the house and we also now have recycle bins for bottles and cans.

  7. I think some people will make changes in their lifestyle in order to reduce population and other people only because they just do not care for any one else or the environment. Further, some people just do not know how bad pollution is to the environment. In order to get people to reduce pollution, we need to put up more commercials or signs around teaching and reminding how bad pollution is to their own health and the environment they live in. Personally, for me to reduce pollution I will walk more places instead of driving, continuing on recycling, and trying to use less electricity, by having those specials lights, and shutting of the television.

  8. I think that once people realized the negative things that would happened, they will come to their sences and begin to recycle and reduce the ammount of polution in the air.
    One way to that would convince them is if they see natural disasters begin to accur, if more scientist start to show more comersials of the effect that will accur if we dont recycle. Peronally, I will stat saving my grocery bags and recycle them again, tuen of the light around the house when they are not been used. Ride a bike or walk instead of driving a car.

  9. I believe that people will be willing to make chnges to their lifestyles in order to reduce pollution. I would like to believe that people in our generation want to make changes before a natural disaster or catasrophic event happens that will make them open up their eyes. Educating civilians on the dangers and benefits of switching lifestyles can be a helpfull tool. Everyone can contribute little things to make a difference in pollution, a huge change in lifestyle isnt needed to make a change. Im personally willing to make a change by recycling more and picking up garbage on the streets and floors when i see it.

  10. I think people are willing to make changes to their lifestyle to reduce pollution, especially if you show them the affects of what can happen if they don't change. They have commercials on the affects of what can happen if people don't stop smoking. So I think we need to have commercials on what can happen if people don't stop polluting. A reason I think people tend to not care about pollution is money. People will not change their lifestyle if they are going to lose money. Factory owners for an example, they are not going to stop air polluting unless their is an alternative for them to make their products without polluting. As for me I try my best to keep the environment clean. I try not to litter and if I could I would recycle my bottles, cans, and papers.

  11. I think that people would be willing to make changes in their life to help the enviroment. However, I know that those change can not be major. For example, if you tell people that they can't drive their cars as much as they do now, it won't work. But if you tell them to do simple stuff like recycle and don't useas much water while taking a bath, washing dishes, and brushing your teeth. I try to help by recycling plastic at home and at school. I am trying to work on not littering even though its a very hard habit it quit.

  12. I think people in general are not willing to make changes in their lifestyles because of pollution. I believe this because most people have enough to think about for example jobs , maintaining a family and etc. People might see it as a bother to change the way they live to better the enviorment. What could convince them to do this is by showing them the negative effects of what could happen if they do not reduce the amount of pollution they put into the air. The changes I would be willing to make would be to try not to use as much gas driving around especially if I could've gotten to my destination by riding a bike or walking.

  13. I truly do believe that people are willing to make changes in their lifestyles to reduce pollution because sooner or later there will be a much greater consequence for pollution. Things that can convince them to do so might include showing the person what they are doing is wrong and showing how it effects the air we breath. I would be willing to cut down on driving places and instead walking there, also I can recycle instead of throwing bottles away.

  14. I believe that as a whole society has already began on working to making changes that would better the environment. I do think that there is always room for improvement and that with the full participation of the population the smallest difference can work toward preserving the environment. People would be willing to help because I do believe that it is a concern that is going through everyone's mind. The simplicity of everyone just separating plastic from regular garbage can greatly improve recycling. I personally would be willing to use up less waste and try to avoid driving as much.

  15. I do not think that people would change their lifestyle to help against pollution. I think they would be to wrapped around the fact that they would have to make several sacrifices that they wouldn't help.the only thing I could imagine that oils convince them would b to let them live a day in a day of pollution and experience first hand how THEIR lives can be affected by the pollution. I would sacrifice whatever is needed in order to help in a small way. I cannot see myself making a major change in my life to stop pollution, however small and defective I can do. Such as going green, recycling, and even walking more oftener to avoid the use of public transportation.

  16. i think that people will not change their lifestyle to reduce pollution. many things that we buy is because is something that we like and at the time that we are buying things we are not thinking about pollution at least not everyone. There is some people that are willing to change their lifestyle but is not that many. I think that what can convince us to reduce pollution is to talk more about the effects of pollution because we as people know that is bad but we don't take it serious because of this the only way that we might change is to see the effects of it because we don't really hear a lot about the effects of pollution. The changes that i will do to reduced pollution is follow what everyone does that is recycle and take it more serious because i don't take it as serious as I should do.

  17. I highly doubt that the majority of people will be willing to change their lifestyles. Sure, some ecologically aware people would, but the large number of people will still tend to save money, instead of saving the planet. It is more expensive to drive a car which does not pollute the air, and considering the fact that pretty much every form of human-made pollution is done for profiteering it is safe to say that the reason why we will continue polluting the planet is because we are selfish. I personally care, but if I am unable to afford a safer planet, I would probably end up blending in with the crowd. A way to make people stop polluting the planet is to make it more affordable to run on non-pollutant things. Unfortunately, this is highly unlikely to happen.

  18. People always conceive the idea of making changes to their way of life to preserve the environment as if they have to dramatically change their daily routines to have a noticeable impact. I think that some people are willing to make the appropriate changes to their lifestyle if they knew how to make those changes without altering their routines to the point of discomfort. Convincing those people to make the indispensable changes only require a way of informing them on the direct impact of pollution on their own lives. Turning the lights off in the morning, spending less time on the computer are some simple changes that I can make in my own life.

  19. I believe that some people are willing to make changes to reduce pollution but not everyone is. There will always be those selfish people that can care less about saving the environment because they believe that it does not directly impact them. Other people may want to help save the environment to make the world a better place for their children. The only thing that could possibly encourage people to care for the environment is if there is an immediate threat that endangers the planet as a whole. If there is no immediate danger, people will continue to be slothful in their approach to protecting the environment. In my own life, I always try to recycle when possible. I never ever liter and if my friends do while walking down the street, I urge them to hold their garbage until we pass a garbage can. If they decide to ignore me, I offer to take their trash and dispose of it myself.

  20. I honestly don't think that people would change there ways. The majority of people are hard to convince that we need to save earth because they think, since nothing really has happened to them before, nothing will happen to them now. I think people won't be convinced until something really tragic happens to them. Something I could do to help is to recycle, because I really don't recycle anything due to my laziness.

  21. I doubt that most people are willing to make changes to their lifestyles to reduce their litter. People are so used to just tossing paper or garbage on the ground that changing this would take a significant amount of persuasion. Perhaps people could be convinced by images of how the world would look if we were to continue in this direction. Unfortunately people only are concerned about how things affect themselves, so facts about this would also be useful. I live an efficient lifestyle in terms of recycling and cleaning up so I believe no changes are necessary for me. Improving our environment would require a change in lifestyle that most are not willing or capable.of making.

  22. I generally think that people will risk their lifestyles to reduce population because people in our generation love their lives and will do anything to prevent it from harm or any kind of danger. The idea that will convince them to risk their lifestyle for population is that mayb they have a loving family and children They will do anything possible for them to be protected from the population and if their children start to react to it could rub off on the parents as well so that their lives would turn out to be more better then before.

  23. No I do not think that people are willing to change their behavior in order to reduce pollution only because it is hard work that needs to be done. The main reason why most people litter is because its very inconvenient to find a garbage bin let alone a recycling bin and people do not want to hold on to garbage for a long time because it starts to smell or hard to manage so we take the easy option and just throw the trash in the street, only caring about ourselves and not being considerate of other organisms. This is just one of many example of how hard work is the reason people still continue to pollute, we want the easy way out. Some ways we can make it easy for people to not pollute is by making it convenient to the people. We can reduce car pollution by making hybrids more affordable and more efficient instead of how a hybrid is only effective when the car is going 25 mph or less. We can reduce pollution if we present more garbage and recycle bins that are odorless.
    I have recently started to keep my gum in my mouth until I find a garbage bin to spit it out and I have been reducing my use of electricity by going outside and spending less time at home. I have also started to get my family to recycle newspapers, magazines, plastic, and glass products in my house. The little things can make the hugest differences.

  24. I honestly dont believe we the people will ever try and really get into decreasing the amount of pollution we cause to this world. Untill we can see the actual effects it has been making we wont ever find a place for it in our lifestyles. People are never convinced until they see it with their own eyes. I would be willing to change the fact that I am also a victim to the pollution there is on Earth.
